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We have all heard the statistics – women now make up more than 50% of the US population1 and are making 80% of the purchasing decisions in US households.2

Now think of this, close to 30% of businesses are owned by women and the number of wealthy women investors in the U.S. is growing at a faster rate than that of men.3

Our economy is greatly impacted by women yet there is a relatively low percentage of women in the financial services industry available to help them. Source: NLG

It’s time for that to change.

As a woman, it is in your DNA to nurture and take care of others which makes a career in financial services a natural fit for you. As a financial services professional, you get to apply your skills and make a difference in the lives of others by helping them plan for their future and protect what matters most.

A career in the financial services industry empowers you to take control of your career and have the flexibility and independence you may be looking for.

What are the job requirements:

  • Passion

  • Energy

  • Drive

  • Tenacity

  • Entrepreneurial spirit

If you don’t have a financial background, that’s ok – that can be learned. More importantly, according to the above statistics, you have a natural market to tap into. If you are considering a new career, don’t overlook the opportunities in financial services.


1United States Census Bureau; Quick Facts

2The Wall Street Journal; April 23, 2011; Who Makes The Call At the Mall, Men or Women?

3She Economy; Marketing to Women Quick Facts

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